Monday, August 16, 2010

Jude Cowan - Doodlebug Alley

Singer Jude Cowan kindly sent me a copy of her album and very good it is too - lots of uke-accompanied theatrical/melodramatic melodies. Jude played at Transpontine's legendary South London Songs day at the Telegraph Hill Centre a couple of years ago, where she performed her song Doodlebug Alley -named after the area of southern England/South London most vulnerable to Nazi rocket attacks during World War Two. This song is now the title track of the album, and here she is singing it:

More details at Jude's myspace site. You can catch her at the Montague Arms on 9th September.


arnie said...

Umm ...

Doodlebugs were in World War Two, not WW1.

. said...

Yes, now corrected, just a typo honest!